
Showing posts from June, 2021

The Carter Center - Carter Center Weekend 2021 Digital Event

The Carter Center - Carter Center Weekend 2021 Digital Event Welcome to The Carter Center Weekend Auction 2021 Bidding starts 9 A.M EDT on Monday, June 21st and will conclude at 11 PM EDT on Saturday, June 26th. Hello and thank you for participating in the 2021 Carter Center Weekend Online Auction! We hope that you enjoy this year's The Carter Center Weekend online Auction and programs. The auction is our most important annual fundraiser to support programs that wage peace, fight disease, and build hope worldwide. Find out more about The Carter Center in the "About Us" section on this site. This year we are offering four items in a live auction that will be part of a broadcast show Saturday, June 26.

William Allen/Allin of Salisbury received land in the first division and again in 1640. He was a "townsman and commoner" in 1650 and his occupation was a "house carpenter".

William Allen married (1) Ann Goodale and (2) Alice ____, widow of John Roper and John Dickison, in abt. 1684. His will was written in Boston April 16, 1674 and a codicil was added Nov. 7, 1676, and the will was proved July 22, 1686. Children of William and Ann (Goodale) Allen/Allin (all born in Salisbury): 1. Abigail b. Jan. 4, 1639-40, m. Henry Wheeler 2. Hannah b. June 17, 1642, m. Peter Ayer 3. Mary b. June 29, 1644, m. George Hewes 4. Martha b. 1646, m. Richard Hubbard. 5. John b. Oct. 9, 1648, m. widow, Mary (Pike) Adros 6. William b. Oct. 2, 1650, m. Mary Harris 7. Benjamin b. 1652, m. widow, Rachel Wheeler and Hopestill Leonard 8.Joseph b. Oct. 13, 1653, living in 1678. An inventory was taken on the estate of a Joseph Allen in June, 1682; widow Bethia and children. 9. Richard b. Nov. 8, 1655, d. June 8, 1678, unmarried. A Richard Allin served in King Philip's War under Lieut. Benjamin Swett, June, 1676. 10. Ruth b. Feb. 19, 1657-8, not in will, 1674. 11. Jeremiah b. Feb. 17...