The Depletion of the Worlds Fishery's
I try to understand this by putting myself there, thinking about when Christ recruited, the fisherman deciples, And Jesus, walking by the Sea of Galilee, how many fish were there? How Many Whales, Cod Anchovie,our fisherys were very abundant still, hundreds, no thousands of whales hunted scooped up tonns of Herring, Cod, aquatic life was so abundant, seeing our damaged desolate oceans and seas full of our waste and pollution. He saw two brothers, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” They immediately left their nets and followed Him.
Going on from there, He saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets. He called them, and immediately they left the boat and their father, and followed Him. ~ Matthew 4:18-22. this overfishing, even though fish were still very abundant, the big ships will be built soon , thousands, of Castles too, along all the rivers of our oceans and the rivers were starting to be damaged greatly by the, ship, and Castle building by sedimentation of all major rivers where man lived.So along all major rivers and tributarys, before that the Hill fortifications and other deforestation for bronze age industrial fire, and for building as transporting these huge old growth logs was easily done upon these waterways. The Stone also, this releasing the sedimintation along all rivers, Tiber, Nile, Thames, Danube, Rhine, Severn. Ne Gash. all rivers from Kievian Rus, to Gaul, to Visigothic Spain, the New World waterways and great lakes spared for a little while but not for very long. this sedimintation, and fishing, will impede the spawning habits untill the present day.
The desedimentatation is important since the day of the first humans became sedentary in the newer agricultural grain saving . Civilizations. These great builders, in the early comunitys. will begin to light up the world, at least the inside of all human abodes with Tallow, lamps also heat and light the interiors of the first places of learning in our world. m with these animal , (Fishoil) lamps and stoves. Much of which will remain Whale oil for centurys.
This deforestation along most main waterways of our world, and this over harvesting of the Fish, and Sea is going to last untill today, and is still a major problem on our Earth.
As I age I see A futility in wealth, and possestions beyond my own way to subsist without great personal pain and, suffering , and to acomplish with meager recources, draw more serious attention to some of the things i think must be adressed. Now. ill include some plagerised reading here for your own research if you want. HOPING ALL WHO MIGHT READ THIS IF ANYONE DOES< A NICE HAPPY BETTER 2021. HEALTHIER somehow. where we can make each year more hopefull.
Not too long ago, we viewed the oceans as an inexhaustible resource. Now, from the Gulf of Mexico to the Baltic, from the Mediterranean to the South China Sea we find our oceans struggling, in some cases dying. Destructive fishing practices, pollution, "dead zones" from industrial and agricultural run-off, ocean acidification from CO2 emissions, and coral reefs suffering from the effects of global climate change are challenging the health of the oceans in unprecedented ways. It is an environmental disaster, of course, but also an economic one. All in, the value of goods and services derived from the world's oceans reaches US$21 trillion annually. This month, Ohio State historian Mansel Blackford discusses the problem of collapsing fish stocks. Looking at the very different histories of two American fisheries, he explores how best to manage our ocean resources.
The Over-Fishing Crisis
During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, innovations in fishing and improvements in transportation helped fishers boost their catches—and consequently sales of seafood—enormously.
Large-scale, "industrial" fishing can be traced back to the 1870s and 1880s, when fishers started trawling with steam-powered vessels in British and European waters, such as the North Sea. At about the same time, railroads connected fishing ports to interior towns, increasing markets for fish.
Having depleted inshore and near-shore fishing grounds, steam trawlers fished far from their home ports by the 1920s and 1930s. Steam-powered trawlers came to dominate Canadian and American cod fisheries, and fast-freezing techniques, introduced to some fisheries at the same time, further extended operations.
The decades after the Second World War saw a tremendous expansion and intensification of global fishing. New, long-distance fishing and processing vessels stayed at sea for months at a time.
There was great optimism that off-shore fishing would provide the peoples of the world with much-needed protein at reasonable costs. In the 1950s and 1960s, some scientists estimated that the oceans and seas could sustain an annual seafood catch of 200-350 million metric tons per year, more than twice as much as was ever actually achieved. (A metric ton is 1,000 kilograms or 2,204 pounds.)
Popular movies such as the 1954 production of Jules Verne's "20,000 Leagues beneath the Sea" featured divers harvesting seemingly inexhaustible riches from seas and oceans. This tremendous optimism about oceanic resources rivaled that expressed about nuclear power and space at about the same time.
A global over-fishing crisis soon developed. Between 1950 and 1995, the global wild fish and shellfish catch soared from 19 to 94 million metric tons, a level it has maintained to the present day. The global catch stagnated after 1995, however, despite a tremendous intensification in fishing efforts. The fish cornucopia had disappeared.lets make 2021 a year to begin to really save the earth. and with that each other. M R Gash
The story of the Chandler, yes its a surname, its relationship to the depletion of the worlds fishery's. The Tallow Chandler, specifically, will light up the world so learning may ensue. for the next 2500 years to come we learn from the light and heat of the Whale until KEROSINE < and the Light Bulb. all light for learning inside was created by fish oil.